不銹鋼帶鋼- 目錄 (Revised 2012)
Stainless Steel Strip, Sheet, Plate, Pipe ,Tube and Powder
(增刊:高鎳合金、磁性金屬、雙層金屬、鈦、發條片、高碳鋼片、電鍍金屬綑片、銀亮面電鍍鋼片、打孔鋼片、電器用的矽 [硅] 鋼片、鐵鉻鈷磁合金、稀土磁合金、釹鐵硼磁合、粉磁、軟粉磁、硅低碳鋼片(硅鋼片) 、鎳鐵合金、絕緣陶瓷及高新科技無機材料)
(Supplement: High Nickel Alloy, Permalloy, Bi-metal, Titanium, Power Spring Strip, High Carbon Steel Strip, Plated Metal Strip, Electrogalvanized (Silver top) steel strip/ sheet, Perforated Metal, Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use, Iron Chromium Cobalt Magnetic Alloys, Rare Earth Alloys, Neodymium (Nd) – Iron (Fe) – Boron (B) Magnetic Alloys, Ferrites, Soft Ferrites, Silicon Low Carbon Steel, Ferro – Nickel Alloy, Porcelain for insulators & Inorganic Materials)
1.0 | 不銹鋼綑片/ 張片/板材 Stainless Steel & Alloy Strip, Sheet & Plate |
1 |
1.1 | 不銹鋼的定義 Definition of Stainless Steel |
1 |
1.1.2 | 比較五大類不銹鋼的異同 Comparison of different type of Stainless Steel |
2 |
1.1.3 | 不銹鋼的好處 Advantage of Stainless Steel |
3 |
1.1.4 | 強度、伸延能力及加工能力 Strength, Ductility and formability |
4 |
1.1.5 | 不銹鋼與其他金屬的比重、伸延性能、導熱性能、熱膨 脹性能及電阻的比較 Comparison specific gravity electricity, thermal conductivity, Thermal expansion and electrical resistance of stainless steel and other metals |
5 |
1.1.6 | 比重 Specific Gravity |
6 |
1.17 | 伸延度 Elasticity |
6 |
1.1.8 | 電阻 electrical resistance |
7 |
1.1.9 | 熱傳導 Thermal conductivity |
1.1.10 | 熱膨脤 Thermal Expansion |
8 |
1.1.11 | 不銹鋼碳鋼鋁合金及銅合金的機械性能比較 Comparison of mechanical propertities of selected stainless Steels, carbon steels and aluminum & bronze alloys |
9 |
1.1.12 | 不銹鋼裏的合成金屬及添加金屬對不銹鋼抗腐蝕性能及 其他性能的影響 Alloy & Additive of Stainless Steel and its corrosion & other properties |
10 |
1.1.13 | 從304(18/8)不銹鋼演變出來的各種不銹鋼 Various Type of Stainless Steel Evolution from 304(18/8) |
11 |
1.1.14 | AISI-304 不銹鋼的穿透腐蝕率 (密度 : 7.87克/立方毫米,腐蝕率: 每年 0.0762(3/1000吋) Conversion of Corrosion penentration rates for AISI-304 Stainless steel (density 7.87 g/cm3) and a corrosion rate of 0.0762mm (3/1000 inches)/yr. |
12 |
1.1.15 | 不銹鋼工業標準 Industrial standard of stainless steel |
13 |
1.1.16 | 歐洲標準(EN10088-2:1995)不銹鋼片(厚度20MM以下)及(厚度 20-200M)的種類,加工方法,表面狀態及特點 Types processing method, surface finished & features of stainless strip, sheet(Thickness under 20mm) & Plate (Thickness 20-200mm) to EN1088-2 : 1995 |
18 – 20
![]() |
1.1.17 | 不銹鋼之特質 Features of Stainless Steel |
22 |
1.1.18 | 發明不銹鋼的冶金學家 Metallurgists of Stainless Steel |
23 |
1.1.19 | 資深的不銹鋼造廠 Pioneer Stainless Steel makers |
24 |
1.1.20 | 高鉻不銹鋼 High-chromium Stainless Steel W442 |
25 |
1.2 | 生產方法及流程 Production Method |
26 |
1.2.1 | 生產方法 Production Method |
26 |
1.3 | 不銹鋼片生產流程 Manufacturing flow chart of Stainless Steel Strip/ Sheet/ Plate |
27 |
1.4 | 不銹鋼主要製造過程淺釋 Explanations of Stainless Steel Manufacturing Process |
28 |
1.5 | 具體生產圖解 Manufacturing Process in Illustration |
30 – 34 |
1.5.1 | 溶化及鑄造流程 Melting and Casting flow-chart |
30 |
1.5.2 | 鋼坯處理及剪裁流程 Slabbing and Slab Conditioning flow-chart |
31 |
1.5.3 | 熱軋流程 Hot Rolled flow-chart |
32 |
1.5.4 | 冷軋流程 Cold Rolled flow-chart |
33 |
1.5.5 | 剪切分條及包裝 Shearing & Slittering |
34 |
1.6 | 檢查證明書 Mill’s Inspection Certificate |
35 – 36 |
1.7 | 金屬腐蝕 Corrosion of Metal |
38 – 43 |
腐蝕定義 Definition of Corrosion |
38 | |
腐蝕種類 Different Kinds of Corrosion |
38 | |
金屬腐蝕的運作成(法拉弟)定律 Law of ” Faraday” |
38 | |
腐蝕電池 Corrosion Cell |
38 | |
環境電池 Environmental Cell |
39 | |
腐蝕位置 Type of Corrosion |
39 | |
自然環境、水、海水、土壤、混凝土對金屬的影響 How Natural Environment, water, sea water, soil and concret affect metal ? |
39 – 41 | |
金屬在淡水/海水/土壤的腐蝕速率 The Rate of Corrosion of Metal made by Fresh Water, Sea Water and Soil |
41 | |
計算金屬腐蝕的方法 The Method of Calculation of Corrosion |
41 | |
金屬的弱點是腐蝕的來源 The Weak Point of Metal is the Starting Point of Corrosion |
41 – 43 | |
溫度、臨界相對溫度 How Temperature affects Corrosion |
41 | |
結晶缺陷 Crystal Defects |
41 | |
冷加工 Cold Working |
42 | |
晶粒結構及晶間腐蝕 Grain Structure & Inter-granular Corrosion |
42 | |
晶粒形狀 Grain Shape |
42 | |
解決方法 Solution of Corrosion Resistance |
42 | |
金屬純度 Purity |
42 | |
金屬添加物 Additive on Metal |
42 | |
熱處理 Heat Treatment |
43 | |
1.8 | 銹的發生與不銹鋼及鈦對化學物品的抗腐蝕指標 Rusting, Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel & Titanium against Chemicals |
45 – 47 |
銹的發生 Rusting |
45 | |
不銹鋼及鈦對化學物品的抗腐蝕指標 Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel & Titanium against Chemicals |
45 – 47 | |
1.9 | 不銹鋼之分類,耐腐蝕性及耐熱性 Classification, Corrosion Resistance & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel |
49 – 50 |
鐵鉻系不銹鋼 Chrome Stainless Steel |
49 | |
馬氏體 Martensite |
49 | |
低碳馬氏體 Low Carbon Martensite |
49 | |
含鐵體 Ferrite Stainless Steel |
49 | |
鎳鉻系不銹鋼 Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel |
50 | |
Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel | 50 | |
鐵錳鋁不銹鋼 Fe / Mn / Al Stainless Steel |
50 | |
1.10 |
人體對鎳的敏感 Nickel Allergy |
53 -55 |
引發敏感的機制 Mechanism of Nickel Allergy |
53 | |
洩鎳及金屬腐蝕的關連 Nickel Emission and Metal Corrosion |
53 – 55 | |
1.11.0 | 磁力 Magnetic |
59 – 65 |
1.11.1 | 不銹鋼的磁性 Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel |
55 |
線經冷工作後的磁性滲透 Permeability after Cold Working |
59 | |
1.11.2 | 磁學 Magnetism |
60 |
1.11.2a | 軟磁 Soft Magnetic |
60 |
1.11.2b | 硬磁 Hard Magnetic |
60 |
1.11.3 | 磁場 Magnetic Fields |
60 – 61 |
1.11.4 | 磁性感應 Magnetic Induction |
61 |
1.11.5 | 透磁度 Magnetic Permeability |
61 |
1.11.6 | 磁化率 Magnetic Susceptibility |
61 – 62 |
1.11.7 | 磁力(magnetic force)及磁場(magnetic field)是因物料裏的電子(electron)活動而產生的 Magnetic Force , Field & Electron |
62 |
1.11.8 | 抗磁體、順磁體、鐵磁體、反鐵磁體及亞鐵磁體 Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetism |
63 |
抗磁體 Diamagnetism |
63 | |
順磁體 Paramagnetic |
63 | |
鐵磁體 Ferromagnetism |
63 | |
比較抗磁體、順磁體及鐵磁體 Comparision of Diamagnetic / Paramagnetic / Ferromagnetic |
64 | |
1.11.9 | 反鐵磁體 Antiferromagnetism |
65 |
1.11.10 | 亞鐵磁體 Ferrimagnetism |
65 |
1.12 | 如何選擇不銹鋼材 How to select Stainless Steel |
69 – 70 |
1.13 | 硬化及熱處理 Heat Treatment Hardening |
73 – 77 |
淬火與硬化 Quenching & Hardening |
73 | |
正常化 Normalizing | 73 | |
退火 Annealing | 73 | |
完全退火 Full Annealing | 73 | |
擴散退火 Diffusion Annealing | 74 | |
低溫退火 Low Temperature Annealing | 74 | |
中途退火 Process Annealing | 74 | |
球化退火 Spheroidizing Annealing | 74 | |
光輝退火 Bright Annealing | 74 | |
其他退火方法 Other Annealing Method | 74 | |
淬火 Quenching | 74 – 75 | |
時間淬火 Time Quenching | 75 | |
奧氏體淬火 Austempering | 75 | |
馬氏體淬火 Marquenching | 75 | |
淬火劑/冷卻速度 The rate of Cooling and Quenching Media |
75 – 76 | |
回火 Tempering | 75 – 76 | |
表面硬化 Surface (case ) Hardening | 76 | |
滲碳化 Carbonizing | 76 | |
氮化法 Nitriding | 77 | |
等離子氮化法 Plasma – nitriding | 77 | |
氣體滲碳法 Gas Caburizing | 77 | |
鹽液法 Liquid Salt Bath | 77 | |
2.0 | 常用不銹鋼卷片 / 片 / 板生產標準 Standard of General Use Stainless Steel Strip / Sheet & Plates |
79 – 87 |
2.1 | 不銹鋼 – 種類,工業標準,化學成份,特點及主要用途 Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & End Usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel |
2.2 | 機械性能 Mechanical Properties |
89 – 95 |
2.2.1 | 不銹鋼片機械性能 (301, 304, 631 CSP) Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel (301, 304, 631 CSP) |
89 |
2.2.2 | 薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)機械性能 Mechanical Properties of Thin Stainless Steel (Thickness From 0.3mm to 2.9mm) – strip/sheet |
90 |
2.2.3 | 奧氏體不銹鋼在溶液處理下的機械性能 Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Solution Treatment Conditions(SUS G4305) |
91 |
2.2.4 | 鐵素體及馬氏體不銹鋼回火下的機械性能 Mechanical Properties Under Annealed Condition Of Stainless Steel |
92 |
2.2.5 | 不銹鋼及高鎳合金的抗酸及抗腐蝕能力 Acid and Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel & High Nickel Alloys(0.1g/m2/hr or less) |
93 – 94 |
2.2.6 | 耐高溫及其他腐蝕不銹鋼 (氣體、鹽浴、鈉及水) High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel (Against Gas, Salt-bath, Sodium and Water) |
95 |
2. 3 | 不銹鋼箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分類 Classification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickness |
96 |
2.4.1 | 不銹鋼應力退火卷片常用規格名詞圖解 General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips |
97 – 98 |
幅長卷曲度 Coil Set |
97 | |
片邊彎曲度 Camber |
97 | |
橫幅卷曲度 Cross Bow |
97 | |
扭曲度 Twist |
97 | |
片邊整齊度 Waving at the Edge |
97 | |
凹痕及點蝕 Dents and Pitting |
97 | |
線紋 Lines |
97 | |
拉力退火後的鋼片 Tension Annealed Material |
97 | |
油脂及生銹 Grease, Oil and Rusting |
97 | |
包札鋼片 Interleaf Paper |
97 | |
核心直徑 Inner Core Diameter |
97 | |
出廠證明書 Mill’s Certificate |
97 | |
圖解 Picture Description |
98 | |
2.4.2 | 不銹鋼片材常用代號 (SUS) Designation of SUS Special Used Stainless Steel |
99 |
2.5 | 表面處理 (1號,2丁,2乙,3號,4號,光亮退火,麻紋,髮紋,8號磨光,壓花,染色不銹鋼,加膜處理)
Surface Finish (No.1, No.2D, No.2B, No.3, No.4, BA, DF, HL, No.8,Emboss, Coloured, Pre-coated) |
100 – 101 |
2.6 | 表面保護膠紙 Surface Protection film S.P.V-W SPP氯乙烯W |
102 |
2.7 | 邊緣處理 Edge Finish |
103 |
2.8 | 呎吋及公差 Available Size & Tolerance |
104 – 107 |
2.8.1 | 不銹鋼箔之呎吋及公差 Foil-Available size & Tolerance |
104 |
2.8.2 | 不銹鋼薄片及綑片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)呎吋及公差 Thin Strip & sheet(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm)Available size & Tolerance |
105 |
2.8.3 | 不銹鋼板之呎吋及公差 Stainless steel plate, heavy gauge |
106 |
2.8.4 | 不銹鋼厚板 Stainless Steel Plate- Heavy Gauge |
107 |
2.9 | 包裝及嘜頭 Marking and Packing |
108 – 110 |
2.9.1 | 捲片包裝 Strip Packing |
108 |
2.9.2 | 張片包裝 Sheet Packing |
109 |
2.9.3 | 板材包裝示範 Plate Marking & Packing |
110 |
2.10 | 剪切服務 Slittering & Shearing services |
111 |
3.0 | 彈簧用不銹鋼 Spring Stainless Steel |
113 – 120 |
3.1 | 彈簧用不銹鋼 Stainless Steel for Spring Use |
113 |
3.1.1 | 301彈片須知 301 Stainless Steel used for Spring in brief |
113 |
3.1.2 | 其他工業編號不銹鋼彈片 Other Stainless Steel used for Spring (發條片請參閱17.0 – page 198) |
113 |
3. 2 | 日本工業標準彈簧用途不銹鋼 JIS G4313 Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Strip for Springs JIS G4313 |
114 |
3.2.1 | 鋼材種類及編號 Class and Grade |
114 |
3.2.2 | 硬度、彎弓、拉力、保證強度及伸延度(日本工業標準JIS G4313)
Hardness, Bend, Tensile Strength, Proof Stress and Elongation(JIS G4313) |
116 – 117 |
3.2.3 | SUS301及 SUS301L不銹鋼在熱能精軋下的機械性能 Mechanical Properties of SUS301 and SUS301L under Thermal Refining Rolled Conditions |
118 |
3.2.4 | 彎度(曲面) – 最大容許值 (闊度超過10公釐) Camber – Permissible Maximum Value (Width over 10mm) |
118 |
3.2.5 | 平直度(特薄厚度片材)公式 Flatness Formular |
118 |
3.2.6 | 平直度測試 Flatness Test |
119 |
3.2.7 | 恆溫量度V型及W型彎曲的硬度 Hardness Measurement Under Constant Temperature Before “V” + “W” Bend Test |
119 |
3.2.8 | V型彎曲測試 V Bend Test |
119 |
3.2.9 | W型彎曲測試 W-Bend Test |
120 |
4.0 | 深沖用不銹鋼 Deep Drawing |
123 – 126 |
4.1 | 簡介 General | 123 |
4.2 | 各種金屬深沖減面率極限 Deep Drawing |
123 |
4.3 | 質量計算公式 Mass Formula |
124 |
4.4 | 不銹鋼比重 Specific Gravity of Stainless Steel |
125 |
5.0 | 粉末不銹鋼Stainless Steel Metal Injection Powder | 127 – 131 |
5.1 | 粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy |
127 |
5.1.1 | 傳統的粉末冶金方法 Traditional Powder Metallurgy |
127 – 128 |
沖壓法 Moulding method |
127 | |
“壓塊” Briqutting |
127 | |
燒結 Sintering |
127 | |
矯正 Shaping |
127 | |
浸滲 Impreguation |
127 | |
燒結溫度 Sintering Temperature |
128 | |
5.1.2 | 注塑用不銹鋼金屬粉末 Stainless Steel Metal Injection Powder |
128 – 129 |
注塑用金屬粉末優點 Advantage of Metal Injection |
128 | |
金屬粉末注塑流程 Metal Injection Moulding Flow Chart |
128 | |
金屬粉末的燒結製品 Metal Injection Sintering Products |
128 | |
不銹鋼注塑粉末及其他金屬注塑粉末的機械性能比較 Comparison of different kinds of Metal Injection Moulding material and their Mechanical Property |
129 | |
粉末金屬注塑及傳統粉末冶金的沖壓方法的比較處理 Comparison and Flow Chart of MIM and Conventional Powder Metallurgy |
130 | |
燒結溫度 / 燒結時間與機械性能的關係 Sintering temperature / sintering time and mechanical properties relation |
131 | |
6.0 | 夾層包金、銀等不銹鋼及鍍金、銀等不銹鋼 Claded, Inlet, Plated Stainless Steel Strip |
137 – 143 |
材料 |
137 | |
呎吋 Dimension |
137 | |
鍍層 Under Plating |
137 | |
單面鍍層 Single Side Plating |
137 | |
夾層 Cladding |
138 | |
鍍層 Plating |
139 | |
夾層及鍍層金屬製作流程 Flow Chart of Claded & Plated Metal |
139 | |
其他基層金屬原料的夾層金屬 Other Base Metals’ Claded Metal |
140 – 141 | |
加工示範圖 Plating Position & Example |
142 | |
收卷方向Coiling Direction | 142 | |
用途 End Usage |
143 | |
7.0 | 通及管用不銹鋼 Stainless Tube & Pipe |
145 – 148 |
7.1 | 無縫管及有縫管 Seamless Tube/Pipe & Seamed Tube/Pipe |
145 |
7.2 | 精密細管 Precision Tube |
147 |
定單要求 Ordering | 147 | |
特色 Features | 147 | |
生產流程 Production Procedures | 147 | |
用途 End use or purpose | 148 | |
材料 Materials | 149 | |
外徑及壁厚 Outside diameter & wall tickness | 150 | |
焊接管 Welded Tubing | 150 | |
呎吋公差材料 Dimensional Tolerances | 151 | |
7.3 | 普通用途的通及管 Pipe & Tube of General Use |
153 – 158 |
用途 End Usages | 153 | |
通及管生產流程 Pipe & Tube Manufacturing Flow Chart |
153 | |
304圓管重量表 304 Round Pipe Weight Table |
154 | |
430圓管重量表 430 Round Pipe Weight Table |
154 | |
長方管重量表 Rectangular Pipe Weight Table |
155 | |
方形管重量表 Square Pipe Weight Table |
155 | |
高頻焊接圓管呎吋 High Frequency Welding Round Pipe Sizes |
156 | |
氬氧弧焊圓管呎吋 Argon Arc Welding Round Pipe Sizes |
156 | |
方管呎吋 Square Pipe Sizes | 157 | |
公差 Tolerance | 158 | |
圓管 Round Pipe | 158 | |
方管 Square Pipe | 158 | |
8.0 | 磨光/ 蝕花不銹鋼製造過程 Decorative Stainless Steel – Mirror/Etching Finished Stainless Steel Sheet |
160 |
8.1 | 製造流程 Manufacturing Process |
161 |
8.2 | 裝飾用不銹鋼片 Decorative Stainless Steel |
162 -163 |
鏡面不銹鋼片 Mirror Finish – The ultimate for class and elegance |
162 | |
蝕花不銹鋼片 Etching Art |
162 | |
化學處理顏色不銹鋼片 Chemical – colour – treated stainless steel |
163 | |
9.0 | 防滑方格不銹鋼板 Stainless Steel Checker Plate |
165 – 167 |
化學成份 Chemical Composition |
165 | |
機械性能 Mechanical Property |
165 | |
物理性能 Physical Property |
165 | |
每片重量及每平方呎重量 Weight Per-Sheet and Per- Square Ft. |
165 – 166 | |
材料 Material |
166 | |
公差 Tolerance |
166 | |
加工焊接 Welding Proceeding |
167 | |
示範圖 Sample Drawing |
167 | |
10.0 | 多孔不銹鋼箔/ 片/ 帶/ 海綿 Porious Stainless Steel Foil/ Sheet/ Belt/ Sponge |
169 |
11.0 | 耐熱不銹鋼 Heat Resistance Stainless Steel |
171 – 173 |
11.1 | 鎳鉻系耐熱不銹鋼特性、化學成份及操作溫度 Heat – Resistance Stainless Steel |
171 |
11.2 | 鉻系耐熱鋼 Chrome Heat Resistance Steel |
172 |
11.3 | 鎳鉻耐熱鋼 Chrome Nickel Heat Resistance Steel |
172 |
11.4 | 超耐熱鋼 Superior Heat Resistance Steel |
172 |
11.5 | 抗熱超級合金 Heat Resistance Super Alloy |
172 |
11.6 | 耐熱不銹鋼比重表 Specific Gravity of Heat – resistance Steel Plates and Sheets Stainless Steel |
173 |
11.7 | 潛變測試 Creep Test |
174 |
附錄Supplement | ||
12.0 | 高鎳不銹鋼 High Nickel Alloy |
181 – 183 |
13.0 | 雙層金屬 Bi-Metal |
184 |
14.0 | 透磁合金及磁性合金 Permalloy & Magnetic Alloy |
185 – 187 |
14. 1 | 軟磁性合金 Soft Magnetic Alloys |
185 |
14.2 | 用途 Usage |
185 |
14. 3 | 半硬磁性合金 Semi – Hard Magnetic Alloy |
185 |
14.4 | 用途 Usage |
185 |
14. 5 | 硬磁性合金 Hard Magnetic Alloy |
185 |
14.6 | 硬磁性合金用途 Usage of Hard Magnetic Alloy |
186 |
14. 7 | 磁致伸縮合金 Magnetostrictions Alloys |
186 |
14.8 | 電子管及半導體合金 Alloys for Semi – Conductors & Electronic Tubes |
186 |
14. 9 | 電子及半導體合金用途 Usage of Semi-Conductors & Electronic Tube |
186 |
14.10 | 電子管及半導體合金化學成份及性能 Chemical composition, Alloy & Characteristic of Semi- Conductor & Electronic Tube Alloys |
187 |
14. 11 | 抗腐蝕及耐熱彈簧合金 Ant-Corrosion and Heat – Resistance Spring Alloys |
187 |
14.12 | 用途 End Usage | 187 |
14.13 | 抗腐蝕及耐熱彈簧合金硬度、化學成份、拉力表 Anti – Corrosion and Heat – Resistance Spring Alloys |
187 |
15.0 | 鈦 Titanium |
188 – 195 |
15.1 | 鈦的分解 Introduction of Titanium |
188 |
15.2 | 鈦的優點 The Outstanding Characteristics of Titanium |
188 |
15.3 | 應用 Application |
189 |
15.4 | 鈦綿製造流程 Titanium Spongy Manufacturing Flow Chart |
190 |
15. 5 | 鈦成材製造流程 Flow Chart of Titanium Finishing Material |
191 |
15.6 | 鈦合金之加工 Working on Titanium Alloy |
192 |
15. 7 | 鈦的沖壓加工 The Moulding of Titanium |
192 |
15.8 | 鈦比鐵困難加工 Titanium is harder to work than Steel |
192 |
15. 9 | 剪刀選用 Selection of Cutter |
192 – 193 |
15.10 | 工具應保持鋒利 Sharpness of Cutting Tool |
193 |
15. 11 | 刀具種類 Type of Cutting Tool |
193 |
15.12 | 比較鈦、高速鋼及鎢鋼刀具的加工方法 Comparison of Working Speed of Titanium, High Speed Steel and Carbide |
194 – 195 |
16.0 | 電鍍原料 Electroplating Materials |
196 – 197 |
蒸發及濺射材料 Evaporation |
196 | |
常用貴金屬成份表 Precious Metal & Alloys |
197 | |
17.0 | 發條片 Power Spring Strip |
198 – 205 |
17. 1 | 發條的分類及材料 Material & Classification of Spring Steel Strip |
198 |
17.2.1 | 上鍊發條 Wind-up Spring |
198 |
傳統上鍊發條 Conventional Type Power Spring |
198 – 199 | |
17.2.2 | 倒後擦發條 Pull Back Power Spring |
199 |
17.2.3 | 圓面(“卜竹”) 發條 Convex Spring Strip |
199 | | 拉尺發條 Measure Tape |
199 |
17. 2.3.2 | 魔術手環 Magic Tape |
199 | | 魔術手環尺寸圖 Drawing of Magic Tape |
200 |
17. 3 | 定型發條 Constant Torque Spring |
200 |
17.4 | 定型及上鍊發條的驅動力比較 The Power of Constant Torque Spring & Wind-Up Spring |
200 |
17.5 | 定型發條的形狀及翻動過程 The Retraction of Constant Torque Spring |
200 |
17.6 | 定型發條的驅動力公式及代號 The Formula Power of Constant Torque Spring |
201 |
17.7 | 邊緣處理 Edge Finish |
202 |
17.8 | 硬度 Hardness | 202 |
17.9 | 高碳鋼化學成份及用途 High Carbon Tool Steel, Chemical Composition & Usage |
203 |
17.10 | 每公斤發條的長度簡易公式 The Length of 1Kg of Spring Steel Strip |
203 |
17.11 SK-5 & AISI-301每公呎長的重量/公斤 204 (闊100-200公釐) 17.12 SK-5 & AISI-301每公斤之長度 (闊100-200公釐) Weight per one meter long(kg)(Width 100-200mm) |
204 | |
17.13 SK-5 & AISI-301每公呎長的重量/公斤 Weight per one meter long(kg) (Width 2.0-10mm) |
205 | |
17.14 |
SK-5 & AISI-301每公斤之長度 (闊 2.0-10公釐) Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm) |
205 |
18.0 |
高碳鋼片 High Carbon Steel Strip |
206 – 213 |
18. 1 |
碳鋼分類 General Classification |
206 |
18.1.1 | 用組織結構分類 Classification according to Crystal Structure |
206 |
18. 1.2 | 用途分類法 Classification according to usage |
206 |
18.1.3 | 用含碳量分類 Classification according to Carbon Content |
206 |
18.2 | 彈簧用碳鋼片 String use Carbon Steel Strip |
206 – 207 |
18.2.1 | 冷軋狀態 Cold Rolled Strip |
207 |
18. 2.2 | 回火狀態 Annealed Strip |
207 |
18.2.3 | 淬火及回火狀態 Hardened & Tempered Strip / Precision – Quenche |
207 |
18.2.4 | 貝氏體鋼片 Bainite Steel Strip |
207 |
18. 3 | 彈簧用碳鋼片材之邊緣處理 Edge Finish of Carbon Steel Strip for Spring |
207 |
18.4 | 淬火劑 Quenching Media |
208 |
18. 5 | 碳鋼回火 Tempering |
208 |
18.5.1 | 回火有低溫回火及高溫回火 High & Low Temperature Annealing |
208 |
18.5.2 | 高溫回火 – 將淬火鋼用500°C以上回火,叫高溫回火 High Temperature Annealing |
208 |
18.6 | 退火 Annealing |
209 |
18.6.1 | 完全退火 Full Annealing |
209 |
18.6.2 | 擴散退火 Diffusion Annealing |
209 |
18.6.3 | 低溫退火 Low Temperature Annealing |
209 |
18.6.4 | 中途退火 Process Annealing |
209 |
18.6.5 | 球化退火 Spheroidizing Annealing |
209 |
18.6.6 | 光輝退火 Bright Annealing |
209 |
18. 7 | 淬火 Quenching |
210 |
18.7.1 | 時間淬火 Time Quenching |
210 |
18.7.2 | 奧氏鐵體回火 Austempering |
211 |
18. 7.3 | 馬氏鐵體淬火 Marquenching |
211 |
18.7.4 | 高碳鋼片用途 The End Usages of High Carbon Steel Strip |
211 |
18.8 | 冷軋高碳鋼 – 日本工業標準 Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311 |
212 – 213 |
19.0 | 刮鬍(剃鬚)刀片鋼 Razor Blade Steel |
214 |
19.1 | 特點 Characteristics |
214 |
19.2 | 化學成份 Chemical Composition | 214 |
19.3 | 常用尺寸 (公釐) Sizes (mm) |
214 |
20.0 | 織針用帶鋼 Knitting Needle Round Edges Steel Strip |
215 |
20.1 | 特點 Characteristics |
215 |
20.2 | 鋼種、化學成份及常用厚度 Steel Type, Chemical Composition and Needle Thickness |
215 |
20.3 | 邊緣處理 Edge Finish |
215 |
20.4 | 機械性能 Mechanical Properties |
215 |
20.5 | 脫碳及結構 Decarburization and Structure |
215 |
21.0 | 電鍍金屬綑片 Plate Metal Strip |
216 |
21.1 | 簡介 General |
216 |
21.2 | 電鍍金屬綑片的優點 Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip |
216 |
21.3 | 金屬綑片電鍍層 Plated Layers of Plated Metal Strip |
217 |
21.3.1 | 鍍鎳 Nickel Plated |
217 |
21.3.2 | 鍍鉻 Chrome Plated |
217 |
21.3.3 | 鍍黃銅 Brass Plated |
217 |
21.4 | 基層金屬 Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip |
218 |
21.4.1 | 低碳鋼或鐵基層金屬 Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal |
218 |
21.4.2 | 不銹鋼基層金屬 Stainless Steel as Base Metal |
218 |
21.4.3 | 銅基層金屬 Copper as Base Metal |
218 |
21.4.4 | 黃銅基層金屬 Brass as Base Metal |
218 |
22.0 | 銀亮面電鍍鋼片 Electrogalvanized (Silver top) steel strip/ sheet |
219 – 224 |
22.1 | 銀光(V處理)光輝(ST)及黑銀(W處理)等特種用途(銀亮面) 電鍍鋼片的組織比較 Structure of Silver top V-treatment “HA-TO”, Bright metallic-ST,Black Silver W-treatment special Function Electrogalvanized (Silver top) steel strip/ sheet |
220 |
22.2 | 銀亮面電鍍鋼片的特點 Special features of Electrogalvanized (Silver top)steel strip/ sheet |
221 – 224 |
23.0 | 打孔鋼片 Perforated Metal |
225 – 227 |
圓孔(0.2至0.75公厘) Round Hole (to 0.75 m/m) |
226 | |
圓孔(大於0.8公厘) Round Hole (to 0.8 m/m over) |
226 | |
其他形狀包括 Others shapes |
227 | |
24.0 | 電器用的矽 [ 硅 ] 鋼片 Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use |
228 – 229 |
24.1 |
簡介 General |
228 |
24.1.1 | 軟磁材料 Soft Magnetic Material |
228 |
24.1.2 | 滯後回線 Narrow Hysteresis Loops |
228 |
24.1.3 | 矯頑磁力 Coercive Force |
228 |
24.1.4 | 硬磁材料 Hard Magnetic Alloys |
228 |
24.1.5 | 最大能量積 Maximum energy product |
228 |
24.1.6 | 硅含量對電器用的低碳鋼片的最大好處 The Advantage of adding Silicon to Low Carbon Steel |
229 |
24.1.7 | 晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented) | 229 |
25.0 | 鐵鉻鈷磁合金 Iron Chromium Cobalt Magnetic Alloys |
230 |
電話筒永久磁的安放切面圖 Permanent Magnet on Telephone Receiver |
230 | |
26.0 |
稀土磁合金 Rare Earth Alloys |
231 |
27.0 | 釹鐵硼磁合金 Neodymium (Nd) – Iron (Fe) – Boron (B) Magnetic Alloys |
231 |
比較鐵銘鈷、永久磁、稀土磁、釹鐵硼磁的最高磁積 Comparison of Alnico Earth, Neodymium, maximum Energy product, KJ/m3 |
231 | |
28.0 | 粉磁 Ferrites | 232 |
29.0 | 軟粉磁 Soft Ferrites | 232 |
30.0 |
硅低碳鋼片 (硅鋼片) Silicon Low Carbon Steel |
232 |
30.1 | 鎳及硅合金軟磁材料的磁力性能 Magnetic Properties of some Materials |
233 |
30.2 | 玻璃磁材的用途化學成份/電子率、”磁力飽和和感應” 及”最高導磁率” Metallic Glasses : Chemical Composition, Properties and Applications |
233 |
31.0 |
鎳鐵合金 Ferro – Nickel Alloy |
234 |
32.0 | 絕緣陶瓷 Porcelain for insulators |
235 |
33.0 | 高新科技無機材料 Inorganic Matericals |
236 |