不銹鋼線材 – 目錄 (Revised 2012)
1.0 | 不銹鋼線及合金線 Stainless Steel & Alloy Wire |
1 – 30
1.1 | 不銹鋼的定義 Definition of Stainless Steel |
3 |
1.2 | 生產方法及生產流程 Production Method & Production Flow Chart |
4 – 5 |
1.3 | 不銹鋼之特質 Features of Stainless Steel |
6 |
1.4 | 金屬腐蝕 Corrosion of Metal |
7 – 12 |
腐蝕 Corrosion |
7 | |
腐蝕之定義 Definition of Corrosion |
7 | |
腐蝕的種類 Different kinds of Corrosion |
7 | |
金屬腐蝕的“法拉弟”定律 Law of “Faraday” |
7 | |
腐蝕電池 Corrosion Cell |
7 | |
環境電池 Environment Cell |
8 | |
腐蝕位置 Type of Corrosion |
8 | |
自然環境、水、海水、土壤、混凝土對金屬的影響 How Natural Environment, water, sea water, soil and concret affect metal ? |
9 | |
金屬在淡水/海水/土壤的腐蝕速率 The Rate of Corrosion of Metal made by Fresh Water, Sea Water and Soil |
10 | |
金屬的弱點是腐蝕的來源 The Weak Point of Metal is the Starting Point of Corrosion |
10 | |
溫度、臨界相對溫度 How Temperature affects Corrosion |
10 | |
結晶缺陷 Crystal Defects |
10 | |
冷加工 Cold Working |
11 | |
晶粒結構及晶間腐蝕 Grain Structure & Inter-granular Corrosion |
11 | |
晶粒形狀 Grain Shape |
11 | |
解決方法 Solution of Corrosion Resistance |
12 | |
金屬純度 Purity of Metal |
12 | |
金屬添加物 Additive on Metal |
12 | |
熱處理 Heat Treatment |
12 | |
1.5 | 銹的發生與不銹鋼及鈦對化學物品的抗腐蝕指標 Rusting, Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel & Titanium against Chemicals |
13 – 15 |
銹的發生 Rusting |
13 | |
不銹鋼及鈦對化學物品的抗腐蝕指標 Corrosion resistance of Stainless Steel & Titanium against chemicals |
13-15 | |
1.6 | 不銹鋼之分類,耐腐蝕性及耐熱性 Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistant of Stainless Steel |
16 – 17 |
鐵鉻系不銹鋼片 Chrome Stainless Steel |
16 | |
馬氏體不銹鋼 Martensite Stainless |
16 | |
低碳馬氏體不銹鋼 Low Carbon Martensite Stainless |
16 | |
含鐵體不銹鋼 Ferrite Stainless Steel |
16 | |
鎳鉻系不銹鋼 Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel |
17 | |
釋出硬化不銹鋼 Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel |
17 | |
鐵錳鋁不銹鋼 Fe / Mn / Al Stainless Steel |
17 | |
1.7 | 人體對鎳的敏感 Nickel Allergy |
18 – 20 |
引發敏感的機制 Mechanism of Nickel Allergy |
18 | |
洩鎳及金屬腐蝕的關連 Nickel Emission and Metal Corrosion |
19 – 20 | |
1.8 | 不銹鋼的磁性 Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel |
21 |
抗磁體/順磁體/鐵磁體 Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism |
21 | |
磁性滲透 Permeability |
21 | |
1.9 | 如何選擇不銹鋼材 How to select Stainless Steel |
22 – 23 |
1.10 | 處理及表面狀況 Finish & Surface |
24 |
1.11 | 各種不銹鋼線在不同處理拉力比較表 Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish |
25 |
1.12 | 硬化及熱處理 Heat Treatment Hardening |
26 – 30 |
正常化 Normalizing | 26 | |
退火 Annealing | 26 | |
完全退火 Full Annealing | 26 | |
擴散退火 Diffusion Annealing | 27 | |
低溫退火 Low Temperature Annealing | 27 | |
球化退火 Spheroidizing Annealing | 27 | |
光輝退火 Bright Annealing | 27 | |
其他退火方法 Other Annealing Method | 27 | |
淬火 Quenching | 27 | |
時間淬火 Time Quenching | 28 | |
奧氏體淬火 Austempering | 28 | |
馬氏體淬火 Marquenching | 28 | |
淬火劑 Quenching Media | 28 | |
各種淬火劑之冷卻速度 The rate of Cooling & Quenching Media |
28 | |
回火 Tempering | 28 | |
表面硬化 Surface (case ) Hardening | 29 | |
滲碳化 Carbonizing | 29 | |
氮化法 Nitriding | 30 | |
等離子氮化法 Plasma – nitriding | 30 | |
氣體滲碳化 Gas Caburizing | 30 | |
鹽液化 Liquid Salt Bath | 30 | |
2.0 | 彈簧不銹鋼線 Stainless Spring Wire |
31 – 48 |
2.1 | 常用的彈簧不銹鋼線-編號,特性,表面處理及化學成份 Commonly used Stainless Spring Wire |
32 – 33 |
2.2 | 彈簧不銹鋼線 – 線徑及拉力列表 Stainless Spring Steel Wire – Wire Diameter & Tensile Strength |
34 – 35 |
2.3 | 彈簧不銹鋼線之彈性性能 Spring Property of Stainless Spring Wire |
36 |
冷拉狀態線材 Wire as drawn |
36 | |
回火狀態線材 Tempered Stainless Wire |
36 | |
2.4 | 彈簧不銹鋼線的物理性能及在回火後的機械性能變化 Physical Properties & Change of Mechanical Properties of Stainless Spring Steel Wire after Tempering |
37 – 38 |
回火後拉力及拉力屈服強度變化圖表 Change of Tensile Strength and Tensile Yield Strength after Tempering on graph |
37 | |
回火後拉力及拉力屈服強度變化表 Change of Tensile Strength and Tensile Yield Strength after Tempering |
37 | |
回火後楊氏彈性模數及剪切模數表 Change of Tensile Strength and Tensile Yield Strength after Tempering |
37 | |
回火後扭力強度及扭力屈服強度表 Change of Torsional Strength and Torsional Yield Strength after Tempering |
38 | |
各種彈簧線材(不銹鋼/琴線/磷銅線)物理性能比較表 Physical Proerties of different kinds of Spring Wires |
38 | |
2.5 | 智能彈簧線 Herculeana |
39 – 40 |
2.6 | 力強不銹鋼線材 Mighty Stainless |
41 |
2.7 | 真直線 Straightened Wire |
42 |
2.8 | 無磁及高強度不銹鋼線 Non-magnetic & High Strength Stainless Steel Wire |
43 |
化學成份 Chemical Composition |
43 | |
拉力及透磁率 Tensile Strength & Permeability |
43 | |
性能 Properties |
43 | |
2.9 | 抗熱不銹鋼線 Heat Resisting Stainless Steel Wire |
44 – 46 |
不同種類之比較表 Different type of Wire |
44 – 45 | |
抗熱不銹鋼線化學成份 Chemical Composition of Heat – Resistance Stainless Steel Wire |
46 | |
2.10 | 淬火硬線 Quench Hardening Wire |
47 |
種類及性能Type and Characteristics | 47 | |
淬火硬線的淬火、應力消除、回火 退火及硬度(維氏/布氏/洛氏) Tempering, Stress Relieve, Annealing and Hardness of Quench Hardening Wire |
47 | |
2.11 | 高拉力電線/電纜導線 Lashing Wire |
48 |
3.0 | 不銹鋼軟線 Stainless Steel Soft Wire | 49-54 |
3.1 | 不銹鋼織線 Stainless Steel Weaving Wire |
51 – 52 |
種類(奧氏體/合金) Type (Austenite / Alloy) |
51 | |
化學成份 Chemical Composition |
51 | |
機械性能 Mechanical Property |
52 | |
3.2 | 再加工用回火全軟不銹鋼線 Stainless Steel Soft Annealed Wire for Re-drawing purpose, etc. |
53 |
特性 Charateristics |
53 | |
化學成份 Chemical Composition |
53 | |
機械性能 Mechanical Property |
53 | |
4.0 | 易車(快削)不銹鋼線/枝/棒 Free Cutting Stainless Steel Wire / Roy /Bar |
55 – 60 |
4.1 | 易車(快削)不銹鋼 Free Cutting Stainless Steel |
57 – 58 |
4.2 | 易車(快削)不銹鋼拉力表 Tensile Strength of Free Cutting Wires |
59 |
4.3 | 枝/棒無芯磨公差表(μ) Rod/Bar Centreless Grind Tolerance |
60 |
4.4 | 易車不銹鋼及易車鋼之不同呎吋及硬度比較 Hardness of Different Types & Size of Free Cutting Steel |
60 |
5.0 | 冷沖(打頭)不銹鋼線 Cold Heading Quality Stainless Steel Wire |
61 – 66 |
5.1 | 冷沖(打頭)不銹鋼線 Cold Heading Quality Stainless Steel Wire-Property,Type and Chemical Composition |
63 -64 |
特性 Charateristics |
63 | |
快削鋼種類及化學成份 General Use Free-Cutting Stainless Steel & Chemical Composition |
64 | |
5.2 | 製作不同螺絲之材質 Screws & Bolt Shapes and recommended materials |
65 |
5.3 | 冷沖頭線之機械性能 Mechanical properties of Cold Heading Wire |
66 |
6.0 | 扁線、半圓線及異形線 Flat Wire, Half Round Wire & Profile Wire |
67 – 72 |
加工方法 Manufacturing Method |
69 | |
應用材料 Material used |
69 | |
特點 Characteristic |
69 | |
不銹鋼扁線及半圓線常用材料 Stainless Steel Flat & Half Round Wire |
70 | |
扁線公差 Flat Wire Tolerance |
71 | |
方線公差 Square Wire Tolerance |
71 | |
7.0 | 小型不銹鋼纜 Miniature Stainless Wire Rope |
73 – 80 |
7.1 | 小型不銹鋼纜 Miniature Rope |
75 -78 |
結構 Structure |
基本材料 Material use |
常用不銹鋼纜 General use Stainless Wire Rope |
標準直徑及拉力表 Standard Diameter & Tensile Strength |
7.2 | 不銹鋼纜線材的機械及物理性能 Mechanical & Physical Properties of Stainless Wire Rope |
79 |
7.3 | 訂購需知 Ordering |
80 |
8.0 | 合金線 Alloy Wire |
81 – 92 |
8.1 | 鈦及鈦合金線/鈦焊線 Titanium, Titanium Alloy & Titanium Welding Wire |
83 |
8.2 | 高鎳合金及焊枝 Nickel Base High Alloy Wires & Welding Wires |
84 – 85 |
8.3 | 焊線/焊枝/焊條 Welding Wires & Rod, Covered Electrodes & Flux Core Wire |
86 – 90 |
8.4 | 火花電蝕切割用線 EDM Wire Cutting Wire |
91 |
8.5 | 形狀記憶合金及高彈性合金 Shape Memory Alloy & Super Elastic Alloy |
92 |
增刊 Supplement
9.0 | 冷拉高碳鋼線 Hard Drawn High Carbon Steel Wire (to JIS G3521, ISO-8458-1&2) |
93 – 94 |
9.1 | 化學成份分析表 Chemical Analysis of Wire Rod |
93 |
9.2 | 線徑、公差及機械性能(日本工業標準G3521) Wire Diameter, Tolerance & Mechanical Properties (JIS G 3521) |
94 |
10.0 | 冷沖及冷鍛用碳鋼線枝 Cold Forging (to JIS G3507) |
95 – 96 |
10.1 | 級別﹐代號及化學成份 Classification, Symbol of grade and Chemical Composition |
95 |
10.2 | 直徑公差﹐偏圓度及脫碳層的平均深度 Diameter Tolerances, Ovality and Average Decarburized Layer Depth |
96 |
11.0 | 高碳鋼線枝 High Carbon Steel Rod |
97 |
12.0 | 琴線(日本標準G3522) Piano Wire (JIS G3522) |
98 – 100 |
12.1 | 級別﹐代號﹐扭曲特性及直徑 Classes, symbols, twisting characteristic and applied wire diameters |
98 |
12.2 | 直徑﹐公差及拉力強度 Diameter, Tolerance and Tensile Strength |
99 |
12.3 | 裂紋之容許深度及脫碳層 Permissible depth of flaw and decarburized layer |
100 |
13.0 | 易車碳鋼 (to JIS G4804) Free Cutting Steel Wire (to JIS G4804) |
101 – 102 |
13.1 | 化學成份 Chemical Composition |
101 |
13.2 | 圓鋼枝﹐方鋼枝及六角鋼枝之形狀及尺寸之公差 Tolerances on Shape and Dimensions for Round Steel Bar,Square Steel Bar, Hexagonal Steel Bar |
102 |
14.0 | 冷拉鋼枝材 Cod Drawn Steel Bar |
103 – 105 |
14.1 | 枝材之美工標準﹐日工標準﹐用途及化學成份 AISI, JIS, End Usage and Chemical Composition of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar |
103 – 105 |
14.2 | 冷拉鋼枝重量表 Cold Drawn Steel Bar Weight Table |
105 |
15.0 | 鐵線(低碳鋼線)日工標準 (to JIS G3532) Ungalvanized Steel Wire (to JIS G3532) |
106 – 108 |
15.1 | 光線低碳鋼線)﹐火線(退火低碳鋼線)﹐鉛水線(鍍鋅低碳鋼線)及製造釘用低碳鋼線之代號、公差及備註 The JIS standard, Tolerance of Hard Drawn Wire, Annealed Wire & Galvanized Steel Wire |
106 |
15.2 | 機械性能 Mechanical Properties |
107 |
15.3 | 鋅包層之重量﹐銅硫酸鹽試驗之酸洗次數及測試用卷筒直徑 Weight of Zinc-Coating, Number of Dippings in Cupric Sulphate Test and Diameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test |
108 |
16.0 | 導電用編織帶(蚊鬚線) Tin – Coated Copper Braided Flat Wire ( TBC Wire ) |
109 |
16.1 | 組織方法 Structure |
109 |
17.0 | 電阻線及帶 Heat Resistance Wire |
110 |
17.1 | 鉻系電阻線 Nickel / Chromium Alloy Electric Resistance Wire |
110 |
日工標準 ( JIS ) NCH 1 NCH 2 FCH 1 FCH 2 |
17.2 | 鎳銅及鎳錳系電阻線 Nickel Copper & Maganin Alloy Electric Resistance Wires |
110 |
18.0 | 純金銲線 Gold Soldering Wire |
111 – 114 |
18.1 | 特色 Special Features |
111 |
18.2 | 種類及條件 Typical Properties of Gold Wires |
111 |
18.3 | 金線的性能 Typical Properties of Gold Wires |
112 |
18.4 | 每條種類25μm (1.0 mil)線的負荷量及延長率的關係 Breaking Load vs Elongation Curves of each Type 25μm (1.0 mil) wire |
113 |
18.5 | 捲軸 Spools |
113 |
18.6 | 捲軸直徑 Spool Dimension |
113 |
18.7 | 收線 Winding |
114 |
18.8 | 查詢及定購 Inquiry and Ordering |
114 |
19.0 | 耐熱鍍焊電子零件用銅線(SCA) Copper Soldering Wire (SCA) |
115 |
19.1 | 質量 Quality | 115 |
19.2 | 耐熱測試 Heat-resistance Test |
115 |
19.3 | 物理性能 Physical Properties |
115 |
20.0 | 搪漆磁力線(漆皮線) Enamal Wire |
116 – 118 |
20.1 | 壹般用途的漆皮線 General Usage |
116 |
20.2 | 耐熱漆皮(磁力)線 Heat-resistant Magnet Wires |
117 |
20.3 | 自動粘合漆皮線(日工標準JIS C 3212) (UL標準 E7909S) Self-bonding Magnet Wires (to JIS C 3212) (UL E7909S) |
118 |
21.0 | 加熱器用之線材 Heat Resistance Wire |
119 |
22.0 | 非鐵合金線 Non – Ferrous Alloy Wire |
120 |